Help & FAQ

Last updated: 2023-05-14 – Premium Content Creators Platform


Welcome to, a platform that allows you to start your own premium content-based social media platform quickly. Whether you are a content creator or a subscriber, our platform offers exciting features to enhance your experience.

How to access

Whether you are a fan or a content creator, to access you need to create an account. Creating an account on is completely free for both content creators and subscribers.


How do I start posting content and earning money?

Creating an account on is completely free for both content creators and subscribers. Simply sign up and start exploring the platform. Depending on the platform settings, you may need to verify your account. Once verified, you can access the "Create post" page where you can upload various types of media by either dragging and dropping your files onto the text area or clicking on the file icon below the text area. It's easy to get started on your content creation journey and earn money from your valuable creations.


How can I access premium content?

Premium content on can be accessed by purchasing a monthly subscription. Unlock exclusive content posted by creators that can only be accessed by subscribers. Engage with the creators, enjoy their premium content, and be part of a vibrant community. Additionally, you can send tips to creators and chat with them using the live messenger feature. You have control over the content you choose to access, and subscriptions can be canceled at any time.


Are there any taxes or rates?

Taxes can be set by the site administrator and may vary. Generally, platform taxes can be set as an exclusive tax or custom rate applied during withdrawals. The specific tax details can be found in the platform's admin section.


How can I withdraw my earnings?

Earnings can be withdrawn by making a withdrawal request. We offer options for PayPal and bank transfers. Withdrawals are manually processed by the administrator, ensuring a two-factor check for security. Please note that payments are scheduled every Tuesday, so make sure to submit your withdrawal request accordingly to receive your earnings on the next scheduled payment day.


How can I report a user or a post?

To report a user or their content, visit the user's profile or the specific post and click on the three dots icon. Select the "Report" option, and our administrators will analyze the report and take appropriate action. Additionally, you can block a user from viewing your profile or messaging you.


Do you have further questions or need assistance?

If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Send us a message via the Contact Page, and our support team will be happy to assist you.